
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4878 From: bradodarb Date: 5/9/2012
Subject: Kmotion.exe plotting performance
Hello Tom,

While tuning a servo at work I tried plotting some suggested graphs in BodePlot as well as StepResponse.

I am a thousand miles away from the machine and using LogMeIn for remoting(which has pretty good performance for everything except video).

I could not get plots as running step/response or bode plot made the host computer seem unusable. I wonder if it would have worked if the data logger had a start/stop recording or synch recording with step that wrote to a bitmap in memory that you could scroll through after recording. It seems like KMotion is unstable until you close either plotting window that was open.

This of course is only a real problem when remoting, but it seems a bit more choppy than it should even locally on my extreme performance dev laptop.

Are the api's you use to produce the plots open in the provided source codes? I do not mean for drawing the graphs, but only collecting the data.

Brad Murry
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4879 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/9/2012
Subject: Re: Kmotion.exe plotting performance
Hi Brad,

Strange.  I've never heard of or had any issue.  We tune servos all the time all over the globe using several types of remote control (TeamViewer, TightVNC, etc..)  I've never tried LogMeIn.

There is a lot of data being plotted for a 3 sec capture every 90us (~33K points deep x a few values).  That's what allows zooming way in 100X or more and still having good resolution.  The ~1MByte of data is only uploaded one time by the GUI thread.  So the GUI freezes for the 1~3 seconds while it uploads.  No we don't include the source for the Bode Plot and Step Response Tuning technique.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 4893 From: bradodarb Date: 5/10/2012
Subject: Re: Kmotion.exe plotting performance
Hello Tom,

That truly is/was odd... The next machine has the same hardware config (Kflop+ Kanalog+Legend)- but it seems to perform reasonably well over the wire. I am told the other machine's PC was identical other than it had some Bluetooth usb dongle... but I can't see how that would make a difference.


Brad Murry

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Brad,
> Strange.  I've never heard of or had any issue.  We tune servos all the time all over the globe using several types of remote control (TeamViewer, TightVNC, etc..)  I've never tried LogMeIn.
> There is a lot of data being plotted for a 3 sec capture every 90us (~33K points deep x a few values).  That's what allows zooming way in 100X or more and still having good resolution.  The ~1MByte of data is only uploaded one time by the GUI thread.  So the GUI freezes for the 1~3 seconds while it uploads.  No we don't include the source for the Bode Plot and Step Response Tuning technique.
> Regards
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: bradodarb <bradodarb@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2012 9:06 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Kmotion.exe plotting performance
> Hello Tom,
> While tuning a servo at work I tried plotting some suggested graphs in BodePlot as well as StepResponse.
> I am a thousand miles away from the machine and using LogMeIn for remoting(which has pretty good performance for everything except video).
> I could not get plots as running step/response or bode plot made the host computer seem unusable. I wonder if it would have worked if the data logger had a start/stop recording or synch recording with step that wrote to a bitmap in memory that you could scroll through after recording. It seems like KMotion is unstable until you close either plotting window that was open.
> This of course is only a real problem when remoting, but it seems a bit more choppy than it should even locally on my extreme performance dev laptop.
> Are the api's you use to produce the plots open in the provided source codes? I do not mean for drawing the graphs, but only collecting the data.
> Thanks,
> Brad Murry